Lotus Root Meat Cake

“Men become passionately attached to women who know how to cosset them with delicate tidbits.” (Honoré de Balzac, 1799-1859)

Today, I made Lotus Root Meat Cake, which is quick and very easy to prepare.
This recipe is adapted from a Malaysian cookbook, "Hawker secret Recipes". This cookbook is full of yummy Malaysian hawker style dishes.
Those that grew up in Asia, might have tried this meat cake before. It's delicious and it can be served with steamed rice or if you like, you can have it with bread/bun, just like burger.

Lotus Root Meat Cake
-300g minced pork
-100g lotus root ( I bought the frozen one from asian grocery)
-1 tbsp chopped spring onions
-1 egg
-1 tbsp corn flour

-1 tsp salt
-1/2 tsp sugar
-1/2 tsp sesame oil ( if you like the aroma of sesame oil then you can add more)
-1/2 tsp white pepper

1) Blend the lotus roots in a blender until fine, dish out and keep aside.
2) Mix minced pork are blended lotus root with remaining ingredients and seasoning, stir well until sticky.
3) Form the minced pork mixture into small meat cake evenly
4) Shallow-fry in the preheated sauce pan with some hot oil at low heat until cooked and glden brown on both sides.
5) Dish up and serve hot.

I love to have this with chilli sauce. Delish!!!! 


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